Hot Jones Hijack

The Hot Jones Hijack is a Theft Prevention & Remote Administration Tool for the Purism Librem 5

Important Usage Research:

Controller Server = The server/computer/etc that will be where your Librem 5 connects to. This will be the computer you inteact with the Librem 5 from to execute commands on the Librem 5.

Run the “Configure Controller Server For SSH Client” option to setup your “Controller Server”. Then, run the “Librem 5 Client Connector Generator SSH” option to guide you through completing the connection configuration on both the Librem 5 and the Controller Server.

Copy the HotJones folder to the home folder (~/) on your Librem 5.

Follow these steps to launch once you connect to the Librem 5 over the SSH connection: cd ~/HotJones chmod +x ./